Sorcerer's Council 2

Ragnarok summoned before the Sorcerer's Council.

The Sorcerer's Council was an organization from ancient history, during the time of Oberin City, or what is sometimes called the First Age. Some of the most famous members of the Sorcerer's Council include Ploog, Greil, and Aureil. And the infamous Fool Coco, who brought about the calamitous Black Plague, was in part fueled by his ambition to rule at the head of the Council.

The legendary wizard Seth, one of the very few individuals to survive the Black Plague, was opposed to Ploog and the Council at the time.

In more recent times, Avesne (one of the other grand mages) toyed with the idea of reviving the Sorcerer's Council. Reports attesting to this date back to the year 433.

