
A Closed Plate Helmet is a piece of Plate Armor, and the most commonly-worn form of headgear for the plate-wearing classes. The helmet completely covers the head, thus offering more protection than the other, more open varieties such as the Open Plate Helmet, Slotted Plate Helmet, and Viking Helmet. For that reason, the Closed Plate Helmet is considered one of the six essential pieces of the "full plate" set, while the other helmets are not. A blacksmith of average skill (Level 6) can create a Closed Plate Helmet at the forge. Very rarely, this helmet can be also be found in the remains of Rust Beasts, completely undigested and in perfect condition.

In terms of Armor Rating (AR), the Closed Plate Helmet adds 7 points. By comparison, the Slotted Plate Helmet offers 5 points, while both the Open Plate Helmet and the Viking Helmet offer only 3. And in the context of the "full plate" set, the Closed Plate Helmet ranks as only the fifth most useful piece: it provides more AR than Plate Gauntlets, but less AR than the other four pieces of the set.

An expert blacksmith (Level 10) can craft a Black Closed Plate Helmet, which affords the same level of protection as the original, but with an added benefit for stealth - thus making it a popular choice among rogues. Furthermore, a master blacksmith (Level 12) can also fashion a GM Closed Plate Helmet, which has improved durability compared to the original, despite not requiring any additional materials.  

Navigation - Armor
Black Plate
Black Closed Plate Helmet • Black Slotted Plate Helmet • Black Open Plate Helmet • Black Viking Helmet • Black Plate Breast • Black Plate Legs • Black Plate Arms • Black Plate Gauntlets • Black Metal Shield
Chain Mail Coif • Chain Mail Breast • Chain Mail Legs • Chain Mail Arms • Chain Mail Gloves
Leather / Wooden
Robe of Protection • Robe of Resistance • Shirt • Pair of Pants • Robe • Wizard Hat • Jester Hat
Burning Plate Armor • Blue Plate Armor