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Armswoman Claire Hairje (*Lucky Moon, Year 412)


Claire Hairje was born in year 412 as daughter of Jaer and Calethin Hairje in the remote city of Marali. She grew up with her elder sister Jane and her

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younger brother Teleco. Her father was an officer in Marali and worked for the Commanders Adelphius Kang and Maximus Adams. Her mother was a cleric and often helped Mother Alteira Mei. All together they lived a very peaceful life in a small house close to the city.

With 14 years, during the invasion of the Alliance in year 426, Claire and Jane fled from Marali to Mirith. There they lived for a short time until Claire moved to Brigobaen for her clerical education. After her education she took the leadership from her sister's guild The Pillars.

Only some moons later she married Fang. The following year she applied to the Marali Vanguard and got accepted. In that time Jane, took back the leading position of her old guild.

The Player[]

The player of Claire (also known as the swiss miss or Gwaewiel in the Oberin forum) has found Oberin in July 2007. It was the first MMORPG she played (in english) but not the first RPG. She is known to speak english, french, german and swiss german. Her reputation says that she changes Characters quicker than her shadow ( :O ) although she always sticks with her clerics. She is a founder member of the New Lerilin Gazette. After the description of the Game Master Charnath she is in one word: Confusing.

Some people might tell you she is the "eternal noob." Others can guarantee she is getting better. She is also responsible for most of the names that have been added to the "notable" characters lately — Claire likes to have friends.


The Marali Sisters
